Sunday 10 November 2013

Baked Apples

Viewed on one level it's like a torture chamber for cooking apples (as in Fig. 1) in the style of Annoying Orange...but if you can forget possible plots for Aggrieved Apples or Apples in Angst it all works out fine. So this tasty and filling desert requires 4 cooking apples, mincemeat, shortcrust pastry and brown sugar. Firstly peel and core the apples (and torture them if you must), stuff the newly revealed  core-void with mincemeat, roll them in the pastry and sprinkle with brown sugar. Bake them in a hot oven for half and hour until golden delicious brown and serve them with cream or creme fraiche. "Yummy!"was what we all said afterwards. P.S. the pictures are of course not quite in the correct order. Just the right meal to discuss your prospective Progressive Rock Cruise venture over.

(PS - Don't forget to inject, at various stages known to only you, secret sloshes of honey mixed with cinnamon and nutmeg. )

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